Alright, I accidentally misplaced this earlier so I'm adding it here instead... (this was written yesterday)
So, it has been a long two days at Stardock. I decided that I should write away my troubles before I go out tonight since honestly, who wants to be all distracted before they go to the movies? Nobody that's who.
So, yesterday I woke up all sick to my stomach and decided "hm... it'll be a grand idea to go back to bed for an hour and come in to work an hour later then usual." (huzzah for flexible work hours here
). So, my extra hour was fantastic, I must say, but waking up to my mother (I'm 19 so I still live at home) yelling at me that I had a dentist appointment at 4 PM and that waking up late was a bad idea. I said I had planned it... but that's a lie
So work... I finished one of at least two projects I am making here over the summer (I make Dynamic Dream files, for those of you who are curious) and am waiting back from my superiors as to whether I need to re-do it and whatnot. Hence, I have been curiously unmotivated with my next project, although it has been coming along nicely. Still, working on something when you're kind of dead to the world is never quite fun.
Then, I gets me a call from my mom (I know it's important when my mom contacts me at work) to say that my brother (who works at a kennel) GOT BIT ON THE LIP BY A DOG!
GASP! So, I needed to switch my dentist appointment with her's, making my work day an hour shorter then expected. But whatever, I enjoy the dentist for the most part and then I got to go home and make spaghetti for my family (I love cooking) and it was all good. A note to those curious about my brother: he needed 10 stitches; 3 subcutaneous (below the skin) and 7 more on the outer layer smack dab in the middle of his upper lip.
The night was fun since I got to see my friend before he went off to Israel for 5 weeks (he left earlier today). I destroyed at a game of Basketball Horse (byea! and yes, there are other kinds of horse).
So, this morning rolls around and MY ALARM DOESN'T GO OFF!
GASP! So I get into work much later then anticipated. But whatever, still here on time. I decide to make up for my badness of yesterday, and work super hard and accomplish at least 3 features of this dream (which I did). But, the fourth thing I started FAILED MISERABLY and makes me sad
. Stupid collision detection, I hate you.
But now, after being here nearly 8 hours I get to prepare for going out and seeing Get Smart with friends. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
And I truly apologize to anybody that read this, I just felt like typing a bunch instead of worrying about my collision detection
EDIT :: I ended up feeling REALLY sick when I got home and didn't go see the movie. Major bummer.